Sustainability Workshops

At MENA Impact, we offer comprehensive workshops designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary for driving sustainability within your organization.Our workshops break down sustainability concepts, making them accessible to everyone.

Eco Learn Impact Box Workshop Logo

1-Impact Box Workshop

A collective intelligence workshop connecting ESG issues to companies’ products or services by addressing impact, risks, and opportunities. The workshop focuses on operational solutions and incorporates gamification.

2 hours.

6 to 8 people per team.

Inter-Company, Intra-Company, Schools.

In-person or online.

Sustainability Experts.

Workshop Structure:

Collective Reflections

Identify the risks and impact of your company’s activities. Explore solutions to transform them into opportunities.

Feedback and Discussion

Each group presents its work, thoughts, and action plans to the other participants, followed by a time of exchange in a supportive environment.

Correction and Debrief

Present solutions and receive feedback from peers and facilitators.

2-Stakeholder Engagement Workshop

People Discussing work on a table

A workshop designed to help organizations understand and map their stakeholders, and identify the most effective communication strategies with them.


6 to 8 people per team.


In-person or online.

Sustainability Experts.

Workshop Structure:

Collective Reflections

Identify stakeholder categories within your organization. Prioritize stakeholders based on their influence and interests.

Feedback and Discussion

Groups present their findings, action plans, and proposed communication strategies followed by a time of exchange in a supportive environment.


The facilitator provides additional points for consideration, and suggests actions and next steps for implementing your stakeholder engagement plan.

Book Your Workshop Today

Partner with MENA Impact to enhance your organization’s sustainability capabilities. Contact us to learn more and book your workshop.